Monday, January 7, 2019

Workout Wear

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Almost one full week into the new year and I have to say that my resolutions are going pretty well.  (I did mess up once and have a glass of wine. It was because I completely forgot about my resolution though, not because it was a moment of weakness, so that makes it not as bad, right?  Either way, I reset my 30 days sober to extend into February.) The 'not eating when I'm not hungry' resolution has been surprisingly easy to keep so far and I've been active almost every day. Maybe it's because I felt completely disgusted with myself after the holidays, but I'm still super excited about the idea of getting healthy and am already starting to feel myself getting into a routine.
But even with that motivation, a little extra incentive can never hurt. I don't know about you, but new workout clothes always put a pep in my step when I'm heading toward the gym. I'm not going to lie, I buy most of my fitness clothes at Marshall's, but maybe buying one or two cute new things will help to keep me in my focused mindset! 

1 comment:

  1. On my sister's birthday I got her a beautiful pair of patterned leggings and Tank Top from the brand Alo yoga. The legging has a side pocket as well that makes it feel like trousers. It is big enough to hold some good stuff during my jogs.
